In 2021 I completed training to be a Certified Mediator here in Germany. This is in addition to similar training I received in the U.S. in 2014. I would now like to use these skills to help people resolve conflicts and normalize strained relations. In these times I really can’t think of a more meaningful challenge for myself.
Mediation can be helpful in most conflict situations, regardless of the setting or subject. It can be conducted in person or online. I will do my best to support a safe space in which conflicting parties can relax, reflect and listen again. As a mediator I’m impartial and not attached to a particular settlement. My aim is to assist parties in finding their own best way forward.
In doing this work I also draw on my mindfulness practice as well as insights gained as an organic farmer cultivating the earth. Both hold lessons for managing conflict. They point the way to inner resilience while reminding us of our interconnectedness and our ability to let go and renew ourselves.
Thank you for your support! Please share this message with anyone who might be interested. For more information visit www.danieldermitzel.com. Should a need arise, I would love to become a resource for you.